Monday, December 21, 2009

Unit Reflection

The "All About Me" Unit has been interesting this year. The children have really liked ldearning about themselves and others. The unit has developed into something unique and exciting with input from the children. I am very flexible and this is important with this unit. As of right now the children are not finished with the unit and I think that we will continue this unit all year long. For example, we have created many self-portraits using different mediums and we have documented their growth in this area. The children have been using their learning about self portraits and implementing these skills in their drawings and other school work. I am very proud of their learning and growth since the beginning of the year. The work very hard everyday and want to learn. This unit is a perfect fit for young children to explore themselves and others around them. For the next part of the school year we will continue their learning and go deeper into learning about each other using venn diagrams, time-lines, personal stories, traditions, values, lessons, learning and observations. The children are really involved in this unit and they have added to the unit in many ways and I hope this excitement continues.
Working with the art teacher has been difficult. She has been very busy with her work, learning and teaching. Time still remains a factor and has been a component in working together. I have consulted with her about specific skills and concepts for the children to understand and Kim has been very helpful and a great resource for me and the children. I am thankful for her guidance and support when I needed her.
Overall, I am very happy with the unit and most of all, the children's learning and achievement.
I am proud of them and myself for taking on this new model of learning and developing a meaningful and genuine learning experience.
Some recommendations I would make for myself and the children are;
more transformational uses of technology
more time to share their work
space and time consideration to display work samples
more time and people to collaborate with
year long unit of study so the children have more skills to do work more independently
I am thankful for the experience with the backwards planning design and I hope to use it more effectively in the future. I am happy that i have created real rubrics and anchor packets that
have value and meaning in the unit.
I am excited and eager to share this unit with other professionals and with other classes continuing to make changes and additions along the way.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Collaboration with Colleague

Cindy, Stacey, and Kim met together as one group for scheduling and convenience reasons as well as to collaborate and share ideas with each other. The time to collaborate with other professionals was very interesting. Having the time and new learning to apply is exciting and purposeful, while there is some nervousness to implement all the stages and integrate technology within all content areas.

We began by showing Kim our art integration sections of our blog with the embedded links and resources. We really wanted to show her our understanding and empathy towards the value of arts in the classroom. We felt this was a great way to start the meeting, as we showed our appreciation for her as a fellow professional.

At this time, Kim did express the concern that she is going to be involved in a masters program and that she truly wanted to help us, but does have some hesitancy towards the amount of work and time needed to implement the lessons (length of time, limited time with children, assessments, technology).

Before sharing stage 3, we thought it was important to share our stage 2 templates with Kim. This could give her a view of the type acceptable assessment evidence that would be expected during the units. Additionally, we had not previously shared our end of the unit authentic performance tasks, sharing these was important so that she would know the products and performances that would demonstrate student understanding. We also shared our product and presentation criteria. Kim expressed that she saw great value in these artifacts and was interested in knowing more about this stage and the backward planning model. Her experience has been to design activities before looking at assessment products and performances. This lead naturally into a discussion about the six facets. These lenses were the most difficult to share and explain. By using our completed stage 3 products we assisted Kim in beginning to organize her planning through the use of this design. We gave copies of our work for her to use as examples. We recognize that next fall, she may only be able to support us in implementation on a limited basis. She was however, interested in this backwards design model as this learning may be useful as she furthers her education.

The rest of our conversation focused around the perspective lens that we both chose for our units. We recognize that further conversations need to be held. She needed some thinking time to formulate ideas and suggestions about how we could integrated perspective into our units from a art educators point of view.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Chapter 11
Guiding preservice teachers in developing TPCK

I found this chapter very interesting and informational. I think the author has a deep understanding of what preservice teachers need and how everything (content, knowledge, content, and technology) is connected and integrated. There are many valid and critical points made in the chapter that I feel would make a difference in the field of education. I will go on to say, that from my own limited personal experience (5 years), from a novice to now, I myself, have made many changes, adaptations, and revisions. I know that teaching is a messy process that requires support, time, reflection, thinking, assessing, learning, creating, designing, evaluating, and much, much more. Like many complex and wicked problems, I feel there is not one “right” answer, but the author has presented some possible solutions. With teaching, there are some many factors and forces that are happening in a classroom, that I feel no one program can provide all the skills and tools needed to teach children. Teaching and learning is a complicated combination and intricate process that manifests itself differently for everyone involved and is constantly changing and evolving.
One idea I found interesting is that of preservice teachers in study groups, those made up of different content areas and school levels. I think this part is essential, speaking of my own learning, I have benefitted greatly from networking and collaborating with others. I do feel currently in this master program that more time to connect with others and share our knowledge, content, pedagogy, technology, etc, the better my chances are to improve as a teacher and student.
I did find the matrix diagrams very useful in this chapter as a way to frame, organize and clarify my thinking about my own unit. This chapter and much of the book has made me think about teaching and learning very differently than I had before and now, I am much more aware and cognizant of the outcomes, process, assessment and learning opportunities that I provide for the children in my classroom.
Another idea I liked was that of the research done with preservice teachers and students in Alaska. The fact that teachers and students learned together and integrated technology is wonderful. I think the results for all parties involved was extremely powerful and meaningful. I truly believe that meaningful and authentic learning is what preservice teachers and students need to meet goals and acquire knowledge. The most important implication from this study was the fact that teachers learned about students through teaching, which I feel naturally happens in my Kindergarten classroom everyday.
I wish there were simple solutions to achieve the highest standard of teaching and learning and that one program for preservice teachers exceptionally prepared them to teach the children of the twenty-first century, but unfortunately at this time
of complexity and many factors, knowledge and skills needed, it is unlikely. I believe we have the ability and power to change the field of education and with support, time, reflection, thinking, creating, assessing, designing, technology, and collaborating we can impact the children in our classroom.
As stated in the chapter, reflection is important when teaching, I strongly agree, but reflections are subjective and related to one’s personal experience, therefore creating a “wicked” problem. If given time to collaborate and network more reflections can be shared, data analyzed, predictions, and outcomes can be reached and exceeded where the result maybe in fact affecting teachers and students teaching and learning.
As simply said in the Chinese proverb “To teach is to learn” (227).

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Chapter 10
The role of TPCK in physical education

As with any discipline, there are many factors that increase a teachers effectiveness and the growth and development of the children. From reading this chapter, I now know that teaching physical education is no different. When teaching physical education there is some uniqueness to the content and pedagogical knowledge. Again, when integrating technology within the content area tends to raises more challenges. I have seen the importance of technology in the field of physical education in terms of computer generated applications that provide a deeper look into the body and specific medical applications but unfortunately, these types of technologies are expensive and have a somewhat limited role in physical education at the elementary level.
However, I think about some of the children in my school and I can’t help but think that some of these children would benefit greatly from an individual program that tracks their growth and development while becoming more healthy and active. Getting the equipment and data system to allow this planning to occur is costly and time consuming, but I think the value would be immense.
Overall, I understand more about what the children must learn (the how and why) to perform specific skills and that they must have lots of opportunity to practice these skills. I know the teacher must provide immediate feedback of knowledge of performance to enhance the children’s proficiency level. I begin to think that this style and sequencing of learning happens in my classroom everyday. In Kindergarten, the children are acquiring basic literacy, math, science, health, social, behavior, and life skills that they must constantly practice and explore, while getting feedback and ways to improve their individual learning and growth. I also can find similarities in regards to ensuring the brain with the muscles and repetitive connections that must occur simultaneously for the children to be successful.
The most important lesson from this chapter was “Just like their students, teachers need knowledge of performance feedback to change their teaching behavior” (219). With reading and attending

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Chapter 3
TPCK in K-6 literacy education It’s not that elementary!
After reading this chapter, I am thinking about how the meaning and definition of literacy and how it has changed since the advancements of technology. I continue to think about the impact that technology has made upon the field of education and even more specifically within literacy development. I know firsthand, that teaching is complex in and of itself and with the responsibility of integrating technology the task becomes increasingly difficult. Mind you, this integrated teaching happens while being aware and sensitive to all the childrens’ abilities and background experiences. I can honestly say that I am still struggling with the balance of all of this almost daily.
The research sited in this chapter reveals positive results when using technology to teach literacy. This confirms my beliefs of the value of technology in all areas. Technology has proven to increase comprehension, fluency, motivation, understanding, positive attitudes, and it gives children a greater sense of control. There seems to be many practical (both intended and unintended) outcomes when using technology to teach literacy (reading and writing) skills. Researchers have found that using new technologies children have longer written samples, greater variety of word usages, sentence structures, more accurate mechanics and spelling, better revisions, responsiveness, and overall better understanding of the writing process. I take away from this chapter the affirmation that technology can provide rich learning environments that promotes collaboration, creativity, and constructivism.
This chapter also makes me think about all the knowledge a teacher must possess in order to be able to teach effectively and integrating technology. The authors did state that a mentoring program would be useful for teachers to practice and reflect upon their uses of technology. I think that is a great idea in theory, but in elementary education time is always a factor, unfortunately.
This chapter has given me some specific ideas to incorporate into my classroom routine as well as various professional resources for myself. For example, I will include the idea for writer’s workshop, by having the children use Inspiration for the graphic organizer piece and they are already familiar with Pixie to create the pages of the book. I also like the transformational idea of sharing their work using SubEthaEdit to give feedback to the children at an individual level, providing the children with meaning and for an intended audience. Electronic books, KidPix, Inspiration, iMovie, podcasting and digital storytelling are very appropriate for my age level. There are many resources that I am interested in and I intend to research more and become familiar with after reading this chapter.
Chapter 7
Perhaps a matter of imagination TPCK in mathematics education

For me personally, math has been very complex and logical, which frustrated me and made it difficult for me to understand and apply effectively. After reading this chapter, I have come away with a different perspective about how math attempts to make connections and define relationships among objects and natural phenomena.
In my classroom, I teach the basics; numeral recognition, patterns, counting, adding, subtraction, sorting, graphing, shapes, and the essential concepts that the children will begin to build understanding and higher level thinking skills from. When I began teaching I assumed that when children demonstrated one to one when counting objects, that they understood that whatever number they counted to was equivalent with the number of objects in front of them. I quickly learned that children could count objects, but did not fully understand that the number that have was directly related to the objects and this does not change until one object was added or taken away. This occurrence is similar to reciting the ABC’s without knowing what a “h” looks like. This hierarchical skill was not known to almost all of my students. So we uncovered this topic in depth and the children made connections from their new learning to other topics in the classroom like attendance and the lunch count, which is now done by the children. Another surprising thing that I learned when we started to explore addition was that most children had to count all the objects, they could not subitize numbers and add one group to another without counting the objects individually. We continue to subitize numbers and add groups, finding new and various ways to compute numbers making connections and using their prior knowledge to scaffold their learning to new heights.
From this chapter, I have learned that I must do more to incorporate technology into the math curriculum and to do this effectively and seamlessly. I know there are many resources on the Internet to provide games and activities to challenge children of all mathematical levels. I am familiar with the national museum of virtual manipulative which is a wonderful site that is interactive and covers many topics at different developmental levels.
I see my role in teaching children mathematics as a facilitator to explore topics and concepts, while providing direct instruction and the opportunity to encourage independent thinking, reflection, problem solving, communication, representation, questioning, connections, imagination, and observing patterns around us.
I now see math as a “discipline in which the imagination and logic of the human mind strive to structure the reality of our existence” (150). I look forward to teaching mathematics to young children with my new learning and to discover the possibilities when combining math and technology.
Chapter 9
Science, technology and teaching The topic-specific challenges of TPCK in science

Personally, I see a natural connection between science and technology. Science in and of itself is a continual process that is constantly evolving as is technology. This chapter was more specific of how, when, and where to use technology when teaching scientific concepts and processes. The chapter also states that effectiveness of technology integration still remains the teachers responsibility. There is a lack of professional development, time and support to assist with the complexities and challenges of technology. This issue leads to differences in teaching and learning. The value and success of technology integration depends on the teachers individual experience, comfort level, knowledge, and holistic understanding of the content area and how to use technology in appropriate ways to enhance the teaching and learning process.
In my classroom, we are studying the five senses and as an activity I had the children use the Proscope and explore their bodies and senses. The children took pictures and asked their friends to guess what they were looking at. The children had a great time and it was incredible to see the children trying to guess and figure out and make predictions. I was very excited to see that they were engaged and trying to challenge their friends.
From this chapter, I have learned about some new technologies such as, Cooties, Model-It, BIOKids, etc. This chapter gave suggestions and real examples of when, hoe, where, and why to use technologies when teaching science to children.
As it said in the book, “the best teachers can do is equip themselves to learn from practice and from ongoing education” (205). We can take risks in learning and teaching with new technologies, be prepared for obstacles, plan for alternatives, and look for support where available. As a Kindergarten teacher, I see the power of technology integration, but I sometimes feel as if I can incorporate technology effectively across all content areas. I need to see real life applications of using technology at the transformational levels for all to enrich the learning and teaching experiences.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Chapter 5
An integrated framework for educating world language teachers

I feel that the field of education is moving toward a more social and constructivist approach, which I think is essential for the growth both of the teachers and children. The learning and teaching aspects in the field of education should and are beginning to occur simultaneously. I now realize that when teaching world languages it is crucial to use technology to expose children to hear the language, culture, and have meaningful conversations with immediate feedback.
From this chapter, I did learn a lot about the theories and models regarding the world language approaches. There is a lot of research that states how and what is the best way to teach world languages to children. I think in my classroom, I teach children to speak properly and grammatically correct in their own language. By practicing and opportunities to speak to others is important for children to hear and acquire new skills and rules.
This chapter stressed the importance of authentic materials used in the foreign language and I think that it also transcends into the Kindergarten classroom. As a Kindergarten teacher, the children must be exposed to materials and experiences that are meaningful and genuine to the children.
Using technology when teaching children various world languages it can make it more culturally and linguistically valuable. There are many programs that help and assist teachers to help and support the technology integration more effective and seamless. We must remember that there is a connectedness with both teaching and learning and this is evident when teaching world languages.
I can not wait to “achieve a sound fusion of technology into all content areas” which would impact the children’s learning (123).
Chapter 4
Leveraging the development of English TPCK within the deictic nature of literacy

From my experience, teaching English is complex, especially teaching young children. I face the intricate process of teaching my children the basics and foundation for future learning. Most of the children in my classroom at the beginning of the year can not read or write, only some can write their name independently. As a teacher, I must expose them to many “things.” I must give them opportunity to explore the rules, the exceptions, make meaning and connections, practice rules of grammar, sentences structure, decoding, and simply learning the difference of letters, words, sounds, sentences, etc. all at their individual developmental levels. Before I taught Kindergarten, I thought English was fairly simple, six years later I think the growth and progress that the each child makes in my classroom every day of every year makes me feel proud and successful. I know that I can use technology as a tool in my classroom, but I still struggle with the notion of how to do this more effectively and efficiently. In addition to teaching the necessary literacy skills, I must find ways to integrate technology in meaningful ways to enhance children’s learning this is where I feel the challenge becomes even more complex.
The point made in the chapter that states, “Today, technological change happens so rapidly that the changes to literacy are limited not by technology but rather by our ability to adapt and acquire the new literacies that emerge. (101)” I have felt many times in my own classroom, that I sometimes at various levels and times hinder the childrens’ development and growth, because of my own personal beliefs, assumptions, and choices and decisions that I make everyday. This quote makes me think more about the complexities and challenges that arise when integrating technology effectively in the classroom complied with teaching young children. I wonder what this looks like in a kindergarten classroom?
As the chapter suggests there must be professional development for all teachers to practice and share technology ideas and projects. Also there must be a professionals to support and assist teachers in this process. Teachers must be immersed in new literacies and new technologies. I feel the pressure and lack of time as a constraint when facing this new learning. I hope to feel more confident and knowledgeable when integrating technology in the classroom now and in the future from my new learning, reading, research and this course.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Reflection of Stage One

Cindy Stevens and I are working with the Art specialist in our district. All three of us met together to make the planning easier and more effective. I found that finding a common meeting time was difficult especially for Kim, who works in multiple schools. Trying to arrange a time that worked for all of us outside of school time was tough, but we did it.

I am very thankful to be working with Kim, she was very open to ideas and by nature is very creative, so she proved to be a wonderful partner. Together we had a great conversation, that really inspire all of in different ways. The time to plan and share ideas was truly beneficial and powerful. Kim was a little apprehensive about the requirements, expectations, and dedication to this unit when she does not have to take a course or receive credit. Cindy and I did explain that she would not be graded and not accountable for the overall unit outcomes. After that she was comforted of her responsibilities and role within the unit.

Cindy began by introducing Kim, the art specialist, to the process of Understanding by Design. Cindy began first and shared her completed Stage One for Language Arts and showed Kim the basic format of what we were to discuss with her. Cindy shared her unit first then I shared my unit. Naturally, Kim wanted to know about the activities that both she and we were going to do for our unit and we explained to her that we would decide those later based on our understandings. We explained that we were going to focus on the learning that the children will have after completing the unit of study.

We began by looking at the MLRs for Art and Kim told us that MSAD9 was in the process of changing the Art standards and they may change in the future. This may in fact impact us later on, but we decided to continue on in the process. We decided to focus on the Artist’s purpose for PreK-2, this worked out for both of our units. For my unit, we discussed the conceptual lens of identity and how to answer the essential question of how people are alike and different? Kim expressed that she can talk about perspective and provide children with different mediums to explore identity.

We then talked about the understandings, key knowledge and skills. The more detailed section like this one and the six facets sections were difficult to discuss. We problem solved and worked together to solidify how to incorporate art concepts into our units. Together we decided to meet again and firm up details of these concepts and sections. Before the meeting ended we talked about the performance tasks and the type two technology grid. Kim was most excited about the technology piece of the unit. She sees great value integrating technology in the classroom. This part of the conversation was the most inspiring to me and I think the rest of the group. It was a good note to end on.
Chapter 6
Toward democracy
Social Studies and TPACK

Social studies consists of many different disciplines such as; history, geography, political science, economics, behavioral sciences, cultural studies and more (129). Social studies in itself lack discipline structure. There are many different areas to understand and grasp in the extensive field of social studies, and with that comes some challenges. Teachers must locate high quality resources and utilize them so children can use and adapt their knowledge and figure out real life issues and problems. Technology is a tool that can aid in the learning process of children in all areas, but the communication piece is critical in social studies. Using technology the children can share ideas and perspective with others to solve world problems, they can talk to experts in the field, they can influence and impact others around the world. After reading this chapter, I found myself thinking about how important technology is within the area of social studies and how they can blend so seamlessly when the focus is on democracy. For example, “citizenship in a democracy implies critical thought and critical thought requires information (133).
This chapter provides a look at how to integrate technology in the social studies curriculum. The author states the needs and importance of using technology in the field of social studies. In regards to social studies education and technology there are many strategies and actions that teachers can do in order to integrate technology within the social studies curriculum. When reading this chapter, I found that a lot of the information not only applies to field of social studies, but also in my own classroom. I found some links and resources that can be used and adapted in my Kindergarten classroom. Many new technologies and Web 2.0 tools can be used for both teaching and learning in the area of social studies.
I agree with the reference to John Dewey’s way of life that says a democratic life is associative and constructive involving continual change. He goes on to state that “citizens need to deliberate and reflect in a communal arena where barriers to participation are minimal and individuals act in practical and meaningful ways to improve their own life and contribute to the progress of humanity” (140). It saddens me that even in the 21st century we are failing to provide children with this democratic system and that even in school, this kind of ideology is not a top priority. I think that with effective uses of technology these discussions, understandings, knowledge, and meaningful connections can be real to the children in our schools and they can have the power and means to impact and inspire others and share their learning with others.
With the resources and tools that now exist with the broad scope of technology from online digital histories, etc.
What I found in this chapter, that validates my own beliefs is the importance of sharing children’s work and using technology their work has more meaning and purpose when posting it on the web for others to see and respond to. This sharing of work really promotes value beyond the classroom and school, it “generates personal, aesthetic, and social significance (134). I believe that the use of technology can increase motivation and encourage authenticity. Overall using technology allows children to have a voice in what and how they learn, leveling the developmental differences. Technology can provide children with the opportunity to follow their interests and design their own learning environments enhancing their communication, critical thinking, problem solving, inter-personal skills, all while making their learning more personal, active, and applicable.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Chapter 8
Placing the magic in the classroom TPCK in arts education

“Art is the magic of teaching” according to Dr. Sanders (190). Art provides children with the opportunity for self expression, creativity, self-discovery, flexibility, accountability, and personal investment. There are many forms of of art; visual, musical, and the performing arts. All of theses types of arts can be incorporated in the classroom and should be to teach holistically. Art is extremely powerful to motivate and engage students.
The most important thing that art lends itself into the classroom is children and how they can share their individual voice. Teaching Kindergarten, I have seen firsthand the impact of art. When doing art projects the children are engaged, they can create something of their own and are proud of their work. We are constantly singing, painting, sculpting, role-playing,and dancing. During these times, the children are free and able to do what they want and become invested in the process of the moment. Children who have struggled in other academic areas have the chance to construct their own meaning and make connections with others and things around them. After reading this chapter, I have found many great links and information on the web about integrating all forms of art and technology into the classroom.
The chapter did point out that with budget and time constraints art is usually one of the first things to be cut from the curriculum and how detrimental that could be to the children. Also there must be adequate attention and service given to the teachers coming into the classroom. There is an abundance of technologies that could be integrated into all areas of the curriculum that are artistic and allow children to create projects or works of art. I feel that the children must have a balance of practicing art with both a combination of older and newer technologies to fully appreciate art.
I look forward to using some of these new technologies in the classroom!

Top Ten Art Sites


Middle School

Junior High

Collaborative Art

Lifetime of Color

Art Gallery

Drama site


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Chapter 3
TPCK in K-6 literacy education It’s not that elementary!
After reading this chapter, I am thinking about how the meaning and definition of literacy and how it has changed since the advancements of technology. I continue to think about the impact that technology has made upon the field of education and even more specifically within literacy development. I know firsthand, that teaching is complex in and of itself and with the responsibility of integrating technology the task becomes increasingly difficult. Mind you, this integrated teaching happens while being aware and sensitive to all the childrens’ abilities and background experiences. I can honestly say that I am still struggling with the balance of all of this almost daily.
The research sited in this chapter reveals positive results when using technology to teach literacy. This confirms my beliefs of the value of technology in all areas. Technology has proven to increase comprehension, fluency, motivation, understanding, positive attitudes, and it gives children a greater sense of control. There seems to be many practical (both intended and unintended) outcomes when using technology to teach literacy (reading and writing) skills. Researchers have found that using new technologies children have longer written samples, greater variety of word usages, sentence structures, more accurate mechanics and spelling, better revisions, responsiveness, and overall better understanding of the writing process. I take away from this chapter the affirmation that technology can provide rich learning environments that promotes collaboration, creativity, and constructivism.
This chapter also makes me think about all the knowledge a teacher must possess in order to be able to teach effectively and integrating technology. The authors did state that a mentoring program would be useful for teachers to practice and reflect upon their uses of technology. I think that is a great idea in theory, but in elementary education time is always a factor, unfortunately.
This chapter has given me some specific ideas to incorporate into my classroom routine as well as various professional resources for myself. For example, I will include the idea for writer’s workshop, by having the children use Inspiration for the graphic organizer piece and they are already familiar with Pixie to create the pages of the book. I also like the transformational idea of sharing their work using SubEthaEdit to give feedback to the children at an individual level, providing the children with meaning and for an intended audience. Electronic books, KidPix, Inspiration, iMovie, podcasting and digital storytelling are very appropriate for my age level. There are many resources that I am interested in and I intend to research more and become familiar with after reading this chapter.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Chapter 2 TPACK

Chapter 2
Bridging digital and cultural divides: TPCK for equity of access to technology
Reflection for Chapter 2

There are many positive changes, advances, and achievements that have occurred from technology. Overall, technology is very complex especially when using it to teach children, many factors and elements contribute to the complexity of teaching and learning with technology.
From this chapter, I learned the specifics about the digital divide and how I can incorporate many effective strategies and how to present and use technology with children in my classroom. I do teach many children from low-economic status and from the research I learned about how to best teach them using technology, what to avoid and about information and communication (ICT) literacy.
Reading about the three digital divides, I am a little overwhelmed of the teacher’s responsibility to help bridge the divide for all children to have equal access to various forms of technology.
I agree with Damarian about the pedagogical practices given in this chapter because they encompass individual constructivism as well as social constructivism. They allow the all the children access to achieve higher level learning with the use of technology and challenge them to think at a higher level.
I feel the best information from this chapter was the effective strategies that should be used in the classroom when integrating technology in the classroom. I think the three strategies (attribute-treatment-interaction-pedagogy, good teaching, and equitable classrooms are very helpful and useful. More important information that I received from this chapter was the responsibility of the teacher to ensure that all children have equal and equitable access and how I can be an advocate for these children. I am more aware of the three digital divides and what I need to do in order to bridge the gaps in my classroom.
I hope that I can provide more meaningful and personal technology integration with my Kindergarten classroom. I am thinking about how to incorporate technology that facilities good teaching and an environment that children are equal and enjoy the learning activities, while being challenged to solve problems, and acquire higher level thinking skills. I hope this can be accomplished with more learning and teaching throughout this course. Is this possible???

Chapter 1 TPACK

Introducing TPACK
Reflection from Chapter 1

Before reading the chapter, I have struggled with technology integration and how to implement it effectively and seamlessly in Kindergarten. After reading this chapter, I have confirmed my beliefs about technology integration, that it is difficult to do well and takes much understanding and knowledge about the specific technologies and content. As a teacher, I must be familiar with many different technologies, mediums and their purposes and constraints. From there I must be flexible in how and what I teach the children and ensure that using specific technologies is meaningful and necessary.
I did learn about “wicked problems” and how this also makes integrating technology difficult in the classroom. I have learned about keeping the balance between content, pedagogy, and technology is essential when using technology in the classroom with children. Every classroom is unique, complex, different, and dynamic and I have a tough time balancing all the children’s needs, curriculum, assessment, and technology.
After reading this chapter, I have to admit that I have a difficult time finding creative uses for technology and sometimes I use technology just to use it. I have a hard time breaking out of the “functional fixedness” and going beyond to transcend the use technology in a way that is meaningful and purposeful. I do want to integrate more technology in my classroom, but I sad to admit that sometimes it seems like a lot more work, preparation, and struggle, that on some days I just can contend with. I would like to say that technology integration and wicked problems have made me a more effective teacher that is flexible and knowledgeable, but I am not there yet.
I was struck by the section in the book that Schwab (pg.20-21) talks about teachers as practicing an art, and they make frequent, instant choices to meet varying situations. He goes on to say that teachers are curriculum designers and we are active participants in implementation and instructional reform. How true and how empowering for teachers to truly make a difference, but without the professional development and knowledge than this task of technology integration seems unobtainable.
I must say that I also was very interested in the research by Philip Jackson that investigates the mental constructs and processes that underlie teacher behavior and also Clark and Peterson focused on teacher’s thinking and decision-making processes.
I learned a lot of information from this chapter including the many factors involved when integrating technology into the classroom and I hope from this class and more knowledge, reading, and learning I can use technology more effectively with the children in my classroom.